This is a blog about our experiences as relatively new wildlife carers. It's not a reference guide on how to look after animals, there's too much left unwritten in our posts for that and we don't always get it right.
Remember, wild animals belong in the wild, they don't belong to us!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Cyclone Mogwai

Doesn't he look cute?

If the publishers of Men's Health magazine did Possum Health magazine, Mogwai would be on the front cover.

His cuteness hides a destructive streak though.

The cage he's in has two bars at the bottom that support a tray and one of these had fallen out while the cage was being cleaned. No-one had noticed, except Mogwai. Sometime during the night he'd pushed the tray down at one corner and squeezed out the back of his cage.

Donna went downstairs to check on the possums this morning. Lucky was in his cage hissing at her when she went close. He doesn't like anyone since the washing episode.

There was no sign of the Mogster.

The door to the laundry was open, which meant he wasn't just restricted to the room he's kept in. He could be anywhere downstairs, including in one of the cars.

I wandered through the laundry and the garage to, what we call, the computer room. The light was off in there, but the computer had been left on over night, so there was a faint blue and orange glow from the various lights on the computer and all the other things plugged into it.

As soon as I turned the light on I knew he'd been in there. There were papers, lotto coupons, CD cases and pens on the floor. Papers in trays were in disarray. Ok, the computer room is usually like that anyway. What really proved he'd been there was the evidence that he'd been to the toilet while he was there, and it wasn't solid.

The mouse was hanging off the front of the desk, and I suspect he may have knocked it or stood on the keyboard, causing the monitor to suddenly come on. Imagine creeping round in the dark in a strange place and all of a sudden a huge blue light about three times your height comes on right in front of you. I'd evacuate too.

There's a window in the computer room that faces into the garage. After looking high and low in the room, I went out into the garage to see if he'd got up into the ceiling space above the room. There he was sitting on the window ledge, between the window and the curtain.

The look on his face said, "please put me back in my cage, I've had enough exploring for today".

He's back in his cage and I've got some cleaning to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i do!