This is a blog about our experiences as relatively new wildlife carers. It's not a reference guide on how to look after animals, there's too much left unwritten in our posts for that and we don't always get it right.
Remember, wild animals belong in the wild, they don't belong to us!

Friday, October 12, 2007

The big outdoors

Mogwai finally moved out into an aviary last night.

We've been meaning to move him for about a week now as he's been ready to move for a while. I removed his drey from the cage he'd been in and fixed it up in the top corner of the aviary, while he sat on my shoulder and watched.

Even though he's been in the aviary a few times over the past couple of weeks, to get him used to it, he spent a lot of time last night exploring.

He's now at the stage where he won't be getting the same contact with us as he has been. He won't come out of the aviary now until it's time to move him to his release site. He can't be released here as there are already a lot of brushtail possums in our area.

Lucky should really be in an aviary now as well, but we've held back on that because we're still treating his dermatitis.

As you can see from the picture below, he's not as good looking as Mogwai. That doesn't stop us caring about him just as much as Mogwai though.

Oh, and the fur will grow back. He won't always look like a poodle.

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