This is a blog about our experiences as relatively new wildlife carers. It's not a reference guide on how to look after animals, there's too much left unwritten in our posts for that and we don't always get it right.
Remember, wild animals belong in the wild, they don't belong to us!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Persistance pays

Remember the duck that got away? Well Lesleigh rang Donna yesterday afternoon to say she'd caught it.

Apparently she went round to drop off a BARN brochure at the property where the duck had been in the first place and it was back. This time she enlisted the help of Hammy, from Pelican and Seabird Rescue Inc. Hammy has a lot of experience in catching injured birds when they don't want to be caught.

The bird, and Australian Wood Duck, was taken to one of the local vets who is very good with wildlife, where it had part of its foot amputated. Lesleigh looked after it last night and it's now with a more experienced carer.

Three rescues and a night of caring in the space of three weeks. And to think, Lesleigh originally only signed on with BARN as a sponsor.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Well done! - Dave