This is a blog about our experiences as relatively new wildlife carers. It's not a reference guide on how to look after animals, there's too much left unwritten in our posts for that and we don't always get it right.
Remember, wild animals belong in the wild, they don't belong to us!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Widdle and Puke

When I last posted I mentioned we'd got new possums, but we didn't have names for them.

Well, for the brushtail the name Clive stuck. I'm sure my cousin would be proud.

Just before we got the possums, I was reading Gerald Durrell's "My Family and other Animals". If you've ever read the book, you'll know that he once had two dogs named "Widdle" and "Puke". As there were no better suggestions the ringtails are now named Widdle and Puke.

Below are a couple of pics of the new additions to the family.

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